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Silver Blades Music Playing Guidelines

The definition of program music for the purposes of this policy will encompass freeskate/artistic/creative skills solos, as well as pairs/small group showcase numbers and free dance programs.

  • There will be a program music play sign-up sheet on each session with two columns - one labeled “Coach” and one labeled “Skater”. Skaters will note their own names in the Skater column, and coaches will note skaters' names in the Coaches column. 
  • Coaches CANNOT note their skaters’ names in the “Skater” column. 
  • Skaters may not have their name noted in both columns of the music play sign-up sheet at the same time.
  • Program music will be played according to this repeating pattern, working down the two columns of the sign-up sheet: three Coach plays and then a Skater play. 
  • Coaches cannot note more than ONE skater’s name back-to-back in the “Coach” column. For example, if you are doing a private-group lesson, you must wait until your first skater has completed their turn before noting your next group lesson skater, thus providing another coach the potential opportunity to note their private lesson skater next. 
  • Once the program music has been played, the person who has added the skater's name to the list should strike a line through it.
  • A skater may play program music only three times per session (includes music played during a lesson). This rule may be relaxed at the discretion of the coaches if the session is not busy and/or if the music system is not in use.
  • Once a skater starts their music, they may NOT stop it and begin again. They must add their name to the list again, and wait for their next music play.
  • Prior to test days or competitions, coaches may request a “Solo of the Day”. All skaters not in a private lesson must move to the players boxes until the solo is complete. Each coach may only request one “Solo of the Day” per session.
  • Skaters are required to bring their own music to each session and take it with them at the end of the session. The club will not store, nor be responsible for, skaters’ CDs.
  • Dance and skills CDs are the property of the club for all coaches and skaters to use.
  • If there is no music in line, background music may be played.
  • Skater’s must not use any sort of personal electronic device connected to headphones while on the ice at any time.  
  • Be considerate of other coaches and skaters—take your turn, abide by the rules, and please keep the volume at a comfortable level.
  • The skaters’ high visibility sash is not mandatory to be worn while their music is being played, but strongly encouraged. 
  • Skaters should promptly note their name and leave the stereo area to avoid congestion. 


Latest Review Date: March 19, 2023        Date Created:  May 2020

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