We are fortunate to have many talented and professional coaches at Silver Blades, all of whom are accredited through the Skate Canada program. Our coaches work on group PreCanSkate, CanSkate, Preliminary and Junior sessions, as well as providing private lessons at all program levels.
Private Lessons
While not mandatory, private lessons may start at the CanSkate level and can greatly help improve a skater's progression. These begin the week after Thanksgiving in the Fall and are held during the 10-minute cool-down portion of the CanSkate program.
Once a skater moves up to the Preliminary level, they will need a professional coach to oversee their development and testing, and guide them through participating in local competitions.
These arrangements and related payments are made directly with the coach, and not through the club. Fee schedules vary. Please be courteous and notify your coach 24 hours in advance if you have to cancel a lesson.